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E-Design Service - DIY project with designer expertise, in an easy 6 step process.

Design at your own pace and potentially with retailers you already have accounts with.

1. Let’s Chat

15 MIN Complimentary Discovery Call - Quickly discuss the major things you are looking to have completed. After the call we can schedule a consultation to get more details about the project.

2. Let’s Connect & Get the Deets

Design Consultation - Fee based service where we connect and dive deeper into your design vision, wants, and needs. Your design style is revealed thru in-depth questions and questionnaire. Finally we confirm our love for each other to move forward. (Note: Consultation fee will be credited towards any package. Design work will NOT be completed during consultation)

3. Let’s Talk Money

Package & Contract - The scope of work, budget development, and the design contract is discussed in detail to prepare you for a successful transformation, right from the beginning.

4. Virtual Hug

Welcome Letter/Email - After the contract is signed you will receive a welcome letter to provide even more detailed insights of the design process and how we work. As well as your homework package. (Come on, of course there’s homework)

5. Let the Fun Begin

Design Development - This is what you are REALLY here for! You want the ideas! You want to see the ideas! And you want to see the furniture, accessories, and artwork selections that will bring the look all together. After the 1st presentation , we discuss and further collaborate for a fine tuning.

6. Yes & Yes **

Approved Design/Selections - Receive a complete list of items to purchase at your own pace; and a finished floor-plan to show exact location to place each item. Empowering you with 100% confidence to replicate the design to plan.

** - E-Design Service ONLY





Full Service Process - Include ALL the steps listed above, except Step 6.

All items are purchased & installed with Full Service.

Let the Good Times Roll

Procurement - We place orders for approved items based on investment budget. Manage delivery times of items, in preparation for installation.

Let’s Manage Our Time

Project Management - Establish delivery timelines & schedules. Also managing any custom or required contract work.

Let’s Get it Started

Installation - Officially at the finish line and starting the transformation. This could be 1 day or multiple days/weeks; depending on lead times and/or availability of items ordered